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Advance Directives

Advance Directives allow patients to make their own decisions regarding the care they would prefer to receive, if they develop a terminal illness or life-threatening injury. They can also designate someone the patient trusts to make decisions about medical care, if the patient becomes unable to make or communicate these decisions.

Policy on Advance Directives

Unlike a hospital, the surgery center does not routinely perform high risk procedures on patients with life-threatening conditions. Patients have their procedure and are expected to return home the same day. Therefore, the surgery center does not accept Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR) Advance Directive

Your Information. Your Rights. Our Responsibilities. This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully. Please download this attachment to read and review our entire Notice of Privacy Information. Click here.

All patients have a right…


To be treated with respect, consideration, courtesy, compassion and dignity.

To obtain the name and function of any person providing services to you.

To be provided with appropriate privacy.

To expect that all disclosures and records be treated confidentially and to be given the opportunity to approve or refuse their release, except when required by law.

To be provided, to the degree known, complete information concerning their diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. When it is medically inadvisable to give such information to a patient, the information is provided to a person designated by the patient to be a legally authorized person.

To be given opportunity to participate in decisions involving their health care, except when participation is contraindicated for medical reasons.

To receive from his/her physician information necessary to give informed consent prior to the start of any procedure and/or treatment, except in emergencies. Such information for informed consent should include the specific procedure and/or treatment, significant medical risks involved, and the probable duration of incapacitation. Where significant alternatives for medical care or treatment exist, or when the patient requests information concerning medical alternatives, the patient has the right to such information and the consequences of not complying with therapy. The patient has the right to know the name of the person responsible for the procedures and/or treatment.

To refuse treatment and be informed of the consequences of refusing treatment.
To know that Advanced Directives cannot be honored and that you will be transferred to a higher

level of care, in accordance with Illinois State Law.

To be informed as to:

  • Expected Conduct and Responsibilities as a Patient.
  • Services Available from the Facility.
  • Provisions for After-Hours and Emergency Care.
  • Fees for Services and Payment Policies
  • To Speak or Write to the Administrator Regarding Grievances and Suggestions for Improvements.Schaumburg Surgery Center, LLC Attention: Administrator
  • 929 W. Higgins Road, 2nd Floor Schaumburg, IL 60169 847-285-4250



En reconocimiento de la responsabilidad de este centro en la prestación de atención al paciente,

Estos derechos se afirman en las políticas y procedimientos de:

Schaumburg Estates Surgery Center, LLC Todos los pacientes tienen el derecho…

Ser tratado con respeto, consideración, cortesía, compasión y dignidad.

Para obtener el nombre y la función de cualquier persona que le provee servicios a usted.

Para ser provisto con la privacidad apropiada.

Esperar que todas las revelaciones y registros se traten de manera confidencial y se les dé la oportunidad de aprobar o rechazar su publicación, excepto cuando así lo exija la ley.

Ser proporcionado, hasta el grado conocido, información completa sobre su diagnóstico, tratamiento y pronóstico. Cuando no es aconsejable desde el punto de vista médico proporcionar dicha información a un paciente, la información se proporciona a una persona designada por el paciente para que sea una persona legalmente autorizada.

Tener la oportunidad de participar en decisiones relacionadas con su atención médica, excepto cuando la participación esté contraindicada por razones médicas.

Recibir de su médico la información necesaria para dar su consentimiento informado antes del inicio de cualquier procedimiento y/o tratamiento, excepto en casos de emergencia. Dicha información para el consentimiento informado debe incluir el procedimiento y/o tratamiento específico, los riesgos médicos significativos involucrados y la duración probable de la incapacitación. Cuando existen alternativas significativas para la atención médica o el tratamiento, o cuando el paciente solicita información sobre alternativas médicas, el paciente tiene derecho a dicha información y las consecuencias de no cumplir con la terapia. El paciente tiene derecho a saber el nombre de la persona responsable de los procedimientos y/o tratamiento.

Rechazar el tratamiento y ser informado de las consecuencias de rechazar el tratamiento.

Para saber que las Directivas Avanzadas no pueden cumplirse y que será transferido a un nivel de atención más alto, de conformidad con la Ley del Estado de Illinois.

Dear Patient:

Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs) are medical facilities that specialize in performing outpatient surgical procedures. ASCs play a pivotal role in moving services into less expensive yet clinically appropriate settings. ASC-qualified procedures can be considered more intensive than those done in the average doctor’s office but not so intensive, as to require a hospital stay.  Patient safety is the cornerstone of high–quality surgical services that is why Schaumburg Surgery Center is licensed by the Illinois Department of Public Health, certified by Medicare and accredited.

Schaumburg Surgery Center, LLC takes great pride in being a physician-owned surgery center with the goal of making every patient visit a positive experience. Our physicians, Administrator, nurses, and healthcare professionals are all actively involved in the operational decision-making to ensure that you receive the utmost in quality care and personalized service.

We strive to maintain the highest standards of patient care. Anesthesia services are provided by

Medical Center Anesthesia Group. Our Anesthesiologists also practice at St. Alexius Medical Center. Through the teamwork of our physicians and staff, the Schaumburg Surgery Center, LLC will do everything possible to make your surgical experience a positive one!

We look forward to exceeding your expectations and providing you with an outstanding surgical experience.

The Physician Owners of Schaumburg Surgery Center, LLC 

  • Hasham Alvi, MD
  • Brooke Belcher, MD
  • Matthew Bernstein, MD
  • Mark Yaffe, MD
  • Sean Jereb, MD
  • Mark Levin, MD
  • Lynette Mahoney, DPM
  • Paul Nourbash, MD
  • Thomas Obermeyer, MD
  • Raymond O’Hara, DPM
  • Narenda Patel, DPM
  • Jason Rotstein, MD
  • David Tashima, MD

Grievance Mechanism

Schaumburg Surgery Center administrative staff is available to help with any concerns or suggestions you may have regarding your stay. Complaints will be investigated and a response provided under the provisions of the facility grievance mechanism. If a grievance or complaint is not solved to the patient’s or family’s satisfaction, the grievance may be filed in writing with the Illinois Department of Public Health, 525 W. Jefferson Street, Springfield, IL, 62761 or by

calling 217-785-2000. In addition, grievances may also be reported to the Office of the Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman.

If dissatisfied with your professional provider, patients or their legal representative may file a complaint with the Illinois State Board of Medical Examiners or the Illinois Podiatry Board. Upon request, the facility shall provide the address of the appropriate board. These boards are prohibited from arbitrating or adjudicating fee disputes.

Schaumburg Surgery Center 926 W. Higgins Road
2nd Floor
Schaumburg, IL 60195 847-285-4350

Aviso Oficial
Política del Agravio del Paciente en Schaumburg Surgery Center

El Centro Quirúrgico de Schaumburg (Schaumburg Surgery Center) bajo la dirección del administrador clínico (Clinical Administrator) y la junta de directores (Board of Managers) apoyan el derecho del paciente para presentar un agravio, si hay una pregunta o preocupación con respecto a aspectos de la cualidad de la asistencia, los derechos del paciente, la seguridad del paciente o la preparación de dar de alta. Un “agravio de paciente” es una queja escrito o verbal (cuando la queja verbal con respecto a la asistencia del paciente no está resuelta por entonces de la queja por el personal presente) por un paciente, o el representante del paciente, con respecto a la asistencia del paciente.

Si tienes preocupaciones con respecto a la asistencia que está dado en este centro de tratamiento quirúrgico ambulatorio con licencia, usted puede hablar con, escribir o enviar un correo electrónico a:

The Clinical Administrator Schaumburg Center, LLC 929 West Higgins Road Schaumburg, IL 60195 847-285-4200

Usted puede presentar una queja con el Departamento de Salud Público de Illinois (Illinois Department of Public Health) llamando durante de horas regulares o por escrito a la siguiente dirección:

Nirav D. Shah, M.D., J.D Director
Illinois Department of Health Care 525 W Jefferson St. 5th Floor Springfield, IL 62761 217-558-0560

Para contactar los Centros de Medicare y Medicaid: